Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Acupuncture-The use of acupuncture treatment is not limited to one disease

Apart from medicinal treatments, there are many alternative treatments for a particular disease. Acupuncture is one such alternative for curing or relieving pain in particular disease. The origin of acupuncture dates back to china. Acupuncture is also called as Chinese method of pain relief. The treatment of acupuncture involves use of needles in pain relief process. The needles are inserted to your, points of body, which are cause of pain. But with the change of time, even the process of acupuncture has changed. Now, for the purpose of providing relief, the needles are heated, or twirled or stimulated with electric current.

But there is a slight difference in practicing acupuncture according to western style as compared to Chinese style. The Chinese style of acupuncture involved the use of opposing forces. And Chinese acupuncture called them yin and yang. In this case, the yang force is active in nature and yin force is passive in nature. The western style of acupuncture has another way of healing. In western acupuncture, the opioids are released into the central nervous system of the human body, which overall reduces the pain of the body. Apart from these the ways of treatment through acupuncture, there is another method. That method suggests that acupuncture helps in increasing the blood flow around the area which has to be treated through acupuncture. The use of acupuncture treatment is not limited to one disease. According to the latest reports, acupuncture helps in treatment of various dreaded diseases like aids and asthma. Other diseases which, can be cured to an extend through the use of acupuncture are kidney problems, depression, colds, headache, high blood pressure, stress, strokes, dental problems and eye problems.Nowadays acupuncture treatment is also used to relieve the symptoms of pain and depression in persons dealing with drug addiction.

Talking about the treatment of acupuncture, the acupuncturist detects the problem areas of the whole body. When the problem areas of the body are identified, then with the help of needles, the flow of energy is restored in that particular area of the body. However, the number of times the treatment of acupuncture is to be performed totally depends on the seriousness of that particular disease. Sometimes, the pain is relieved in single treatment, and sometimes, it requires multiple sessions. In case of an initial treatment of acupuncture, not more than forty points are selected. But that again depends on the nature of the particular disease.

Acupuncture is the safest yet the most effective way of alternative treatment for diseases. The reason for acupuncture being, so popular is, it is the most natural and holistic way for treating any disease. With the modern day innovation in medical field and use of modern medical treatments, side effects are bound to happen. So people prefer acupuncture as more accepted way of curing the ailments. But there are many numbers of people who shy, away from using acupuncture, simply because of use of needles involved in it. As a result, acupuncture treatment is one of the fast growing natural ways of pain relief.

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