Traditional form of acupuncture involves insertion of thin needles into specific points on the surface of the skin. These points in the body are called as acupoints. When these points are pricked they cause an ionic transfer that sets the balance of energy in the body. This is an age-old theory practiced in China and has gained a lot of popularity in the western society. Every ailment has different points that should be activated and this activation differs from one person to another according to the severity of the condition.
Uses of acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc. Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne etc.
How does acupuncture work
There are a number of theories that have been proposed to determine the way in which acupuncture works. However according to the Chinese explanation it affects the energy in the body. Our body has energy flowing in channels and any imbalance in this flow of energy can result in imbalance in the body and hence leads to various ailments. This is called as the yin yang theory in Chinese. Acupuncture aims at maintaining the proper balance of this energy in the body by activating specific points that result in easing the flow of this energy.
As per the modern science acupuncture cats by, stimulating the nerves and acts through the brain to have an affect on the affected organs. The acupoints in the body have a rich supply of nerves and when these are activated it results in transmission of signals through the brain to the specific organ and hence relieves the suffering. Every ailment has different acupoints to be activated that targets the specific organ that has been affected because of the illness. When this is activated then it results in the proper functioning of that organ.
Dietary changes when taking acupuncture
When you opt to take acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary changes that you are supposed to follow. Usually the acupuncture sessions are accompanied with herbal medicines or extracts and you are required to take plenty of energy foods with it.
You should include a lot of fresh food and vegetables in your diet. Try and have juice and soups and avoid much use of tea, coffee and if you are a smoker it is advised that you stop smoking or reduce it. You should never go for an acupuncture session just after smoking and also should eat properly before you attend the session.
Information you should provide
Before you start an acupuncture session you should inform your acupuncturist about the following things:
Medicines and supplements that you are taking
Any medical condition that you are facing or have faced previously
Your dietary habits
If you smoke then your frequency of smoking
Inform your acupuncturist if you are pregnant or expecting to be pregnant.
About your doctor
If you have been advised to take any precautions regarding your health.
On the same hand before going in for an acupuncture session you should consult with your medical care provider and ask him or her whether the session can affect your health in an adverse way.
Acupuncturists in Houston
Some of the acupuncture clinics in Houston are mentioned below:
Eastern Harmony Acupuncture:
They specialize in treating patients with fertility problems with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy. They have a lot of experience and the right educational background for dealing with such cases. You can contact them at Eastern Harmony Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic; Phone: 713/529-1610; 4611 Montrose Blvd, Suite A201, Houston, TX 77006; email: or
J & L Acupuncture & Herbs:
They are licensed professional acupuncturists and are Professors of Chinese Medicine. They have more than 40 years of experience and attend to cases only by appointment. You can call them at 713-988-8849 and visit them at 9180 Bellaire Blvd. Suite D; Houston, TX 77036; (Located in Diho Square); Tele: 713-988-8849; they accept payments through cash and credit card
Harvey Milstein:
He is a licensed and experienced acupuncturist and has helped a number of people in removing pain, relieving a multitude of symptoms, ending drug addictions etc. You can contact him at Harvey N. Milstein; Diplomate L.Ac. (NCCAOM), B. Sc. Phm; Acupuncturist; 12126 Briar Forest; "Country Village"; Houston, TX 77077; Phone: (281) 496-1510.
Oriental Art of Healing:
They provide acupuncture for treating a number of symptoms like infertility, pain, stress, anxiety, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, insomnia, fatigue, hypertension; eating disorders, acne, acupuncture facial lift, weight-reduction, overweight/obesity, hair loss, smoking cessation, GI/esophageal disorders, high cholesterol/sugar, general health improvement, cancer recover after surgery/chemo/radiation therapies. You can contact them at 3400 Bissonnet St. Suite 201; Houston, TX 77005; Tel: 713-807-9592; Email:
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic:
They have been providing acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment from 1988 in Houston. Their practitioners have over 29 years clinical experiences in both the fields. They specialize in healing ailments like infertility, weight loss, fatigue, stop smoking, addiction, drinking cessation, body cleansing, prostate enlargement, pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid disorder, allergy, stress, depression, anxiety, cancer supportive treatment, acne, face lift, hepatitis A, B, C, etc. You can contact them at 2405 South Shepherd Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, Texas 77019. Tel: 713-529-8332 OR at 2431 West Holcombe Kirby (between Kirby and Greenbriar), Houston, Texas 77030. Tel: 713-666-5667
Yin Yang Wellness:
They are licensed acupuncturist with a lot of experience in this field. They treat various symptoms and ailments with the help of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines. You can contact them at phone: 281-558-8989; Fax: 281-558-8980; 765 Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079.
Uses of acupuncture
Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc. Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne etc.
How does acupuncture work
There are a number of theories that have been proposed to determine the way in which acupuncture works. However according to the Chinese explanation it affects the energy in the body. Our body has energy flowing in channels and any imbalance in this flow of energy can result in imbalance in the body and hence leads to various ailments. This is called as the yin yang theory in Chinese. Acupuncture aims at maintaining the proper balance of this energy in the body by activating specific points that result in easing the flow of this energy.
As per the modern science acupuncture cats by, stimulating the nerves and acts through the brain to have an affect on the affected organs. The acupoints in the body have a rich supply of nerves and when these are activated it results in transmission of signals through the brain to the specific organ and hence relieves the suffering. Every ailment has different acupoints to be activated that targets the specific organ that has been affected because of the illness. When this is activated then it results in the proper functioning of that organ.
Dietary changes when taking acupuncture
When you opt to take acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary changes that you are supposed to follow. Usually the acupuncture sessions are accompanied with herbal medicines or extracts and you are required to take plenty of energy foods with it.
You should include a lot of fresh food and vegetables in your diet. Try and have juice and soups and avoid much use of tea, coffee and if you are a smoker it is advised that you stop smoking or reduce it. You should never go for an acupuncture session just after smoking and also should eat properly before you attend the session.
Information you should provide
Before you start an acupuncture session you should inform your acupuncturist about the following things:
Medicines and supplements that you are taking
Any medical condition that you are facing or have faced previously
Your dietary habits
If you smoke then your frequency of smoking
Inform your acupuncturist if you are pregnant or expecting to be pregnant.
About your doctor
If you have been advised to take any precautions regarding your health.
On the same hand before going in for an acupuncture session you should consult with your medical care provider and ask him or her whether the session can affect your health in an adverse way.
Acupuncturists in Houston
Some of the acupuncture clinics in Houston are mentioned below:
Eastern Harmony Acupuncture:
They specialize in treating patients with fertility problems with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy. They have a lot of experience and the right educational background for dealing with such cases. You can contact them at Eastern Harmony Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic; Phone: 713/529-1610; 4611 Montrose Blvd, Suite A201, Houston, TX 77006; email: or
J & L Acupuncture & Herbs:
They are licensed professional acupuncturists and are Professors of Chinese Medicine. They have more than 40 years of experience and attend to cases only by appointment. You can call them at 713-988-8849 and visit them at 9180 Bellaire Blvd. Suite D; Houston, TX 77036; (Located in Diho Square); Tele: 713-988-8849; they accept payments through cash and credit card
Harvey Milstein:
He is a licensed and experienced acupuncturist and has helped a number of people in removing pain, relieving a multitude of symptoms, ending drug addictions etc. You can contact him at Harvey N. Milstein; Diplomate L.Ac. (NCCAOM), B. Sc. Phm; Acupuncturist; 12126 Briar Forest; "Country Village"; Houston, TX 77077; Phone: (281) 496-1510.
Oriental Art of Healing:
They provide acupuncture for treating a number of symptoms like infertility, pain, stress, anxiety, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, insomnia, fatigue, hypertension; eating disorders, acne, acupuncture facial lift, weight-reduction, overweight/obesity, hair loss, smoking cessation, GI/esophageal disorders, high cholesterol/sugar, general health improvement, cancer recover after surgery/chemo/radiation therapies. You can contact them at 3400 Bissonnet St. Suite 201; Houston, TX 77005; Tel: 713-807-9592; Email:
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic:
They have been providing acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment from 1988 in Houston. Their practitioners have over 29 years clinical experiences in both the fields. They specialize in healing ailments like infertility, weight loss, fatigue, stop smoking, addiction, drinking cessation, body cleansing, prostate enlargement, pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid disorder, allergy, stress, depression, anxiety, cancer supportive treatment, acne, face lift, hepatitis A, B, C, etc. You can contact them at 2405 South Shepherd Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, Texas 77019. Tel: 713-529-8332 OR at 2431 West Holcombe Kirby (between Kirby and Greenbriar), Houston, Texas 77030. Tel: 713-666-5667
Yin Yang Wellness:
They are licensed acupuncturist with a lot of experience in this field. They treat various symptoms and ailments with the help of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines. You can contact them at phone: 281-558-8989; Fax: 281-558-8980; 765 Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079.
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