Acupuncture better known as traditional Oriental Medicine. Acupuncture is based on the Chinese belief that blocking of vital flow of energy in the body can result in imbalance that is the main cause of diseases in the human body. This block of energy can be resorted by inserting needles into specific points in the body called as acupoints. Acupuncture actually involves the use of the technique and also herbal medicines. It involves the use of needles that are inserted into the skin to a depth of 1/5 to 3 inches. It cannot be said that acupuncture is a painless technique but it is in all ways less painful than syringes.
The process of acupuncture
Acupuncture is a painless process that has a very few side effects that are also very uncommon. The whole process requires around 12 consultations each consultation lasting for a period of an hour and to be taken weekly. During these consultations a physical examination of the patient is conducted and if there are any complications because of the previous consultation then it is discussed.
There are several theories that are related to how acupuncture works. The most common and logical out of them is that acupuncture works through the nervous system. Once the nerves are stimulated then the organ that is connected to these nerves also gets stimulated and hence the effects can be seen. The nerves of every, organ is responsible for the action of the organ be it hyper or hypo. The use of acupuncture can relate the function of these nerves.
It is also seen that when ear acupuncture is used then it releases pain-relieving chemicals that are called as endorphins. These substances can have an effect on the mood of the person and relieve certain symptoms.
Precautions to be taken with acupuncture
When you undergo acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary and other changes that you should follow. Some of the common precautions to be followed are mentioned below.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.
Disadvantages of acupuncture
One of the main disadvantages of acupuncture is the need to find a spot that is the most painful so that the acupuncture can be effective. This is not a pleasant thing for people who are sensitive to pain.
The best points for acupuncture are those that feel like electric shock. But the pain gradually decreases as the needling is continued. The other side effects can be transmission of infectious agents, minor bleeding at the insertion point and needles broken beneath the skin. However, these risks can be reduced if you take the help of a licensed and professional acupuncturist that has undergone the required 2000 to 3000 hours of training and has passed the required board exam.
Conditions that respond best to acupuncture
Some of the ailments that respond in the best way to acupuncture include:
Allergic rhinitis
Lumbas and Cervical spondylitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Buerges's disease
It is also effective in management of
Bronchial Asthma
Skin conditions like Eczema
Obesity, Diabetes & B.P.
Obstentric problems like unstable lie, premature labor, lobar analgesia
Post operative pain relief
Ear conditions like Tinnitus & vertigo
Sports medicine
Acupuncture therapy facilities are available in almost all of the major hospitals and pain centers/ clinics. These are mainly set up for the management of chronic pain. Besides, there are also specialized clinics that are operated by trained and professional acupuncturists who provide treatment through this method.
Latest modifications in acupuncture therapy
Some of the latest modifications that have been made in acupuncture therapy include:
Electrical Acupuncture : This makes the use of electrical stimulation of the acupoints with the help of AP needles. This requires fewer sittings and the pain relief is obtained faster.
Aculaser : This involves the use of soft laser to activate the acupoints. There is no use of needles therefore the problems linked with use of un-sterile needles like spread of blood borne diseases like HIV & Hepatitis is terminated. Moreover there is no pain related to Aculaser. This process has obtained a very high patient acceptability.
Before you start on acupuncture therapy you should inform your acupuncturist about your medical condition and if you have had any complications in the past. Especially if you are pregnant or expect to be pregnant you should inform your acupuncturist. You should also tell the acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking. On the other hand you should also inform your doctor that you are planning to take acupuncture and discuss the possible effects with your doctor. Acupuncture is given along with herbal medicines. You should make sure that your doctor knows about these herbal medicines and whether they would cause any side effects on your health.
There are a number of acupuncturists practicing these days but before you select your acupuncturist you should make sure that he or she is licensed to practice and holds the required qualifications, skills and experience for practicing acupuncture therapy.
The process of acupuncture
Acupuncture is a painless process that has a very few side effects that are also very uncommon. The whole process requires around 12 consultations each consultation lasting for a period of an hour and to be taken weekly. During these consultations a physical examination of the patient is conducted and if there are any complications because of the previous consultation then it is discussed.
There are several theories that are related to how acupuncture works. The most common and logical out of them is that acupuncture works through the nervous system. Once the nerves are stimulated then the organ that is connected to these nerves also gets stimulated and hence the effects can be seen. The nerves of every, organ is responsible for the action of the organ be it hyper or hypo. The use of acupuncture can relate the function of these nerves.
It is also seen that when ear acupuncture is used then it releases pain-relieving chemicals that are called as endorphins. These substances can have an effect on the mood of the person and relieve certain symptoms.
Precautions to be taken with acupuncture
When you undergo acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary and other changes that you should follow. Some of the common precautions to be followed are mentioned below.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.
Disadvantages of acupuncture
One of the main disadvantages of acupuncture is the need to find a spot that is the most painful so that the acupuncture can be effective. This is not a pleasant thing for people who are sensitive to pain.
The best points for acupuncture are those that feel like electric shock. But the pain gradually decreases as the needling is continued. The other side effects can be transmission of infectious agents, minor bleeding at the insertion point and needles broken beneath the skin. However, these risks can be reduced if you take the help of a licensed and professional acupuncturist that has undergone the required 2000 to 3000 hours of training and has passed the required board exam.
Conditions that respond best to acupuncture
Some of the ailments that respond in the best way to acupuncture include:
Allergic rhinitis
Lumbas and Cervical spondylitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Buerges's disease
It is also effective in management of
Bronchial Asthma
Skin conditions like Eczema
Obesity, Diabetes & B.P.
Obstentric problems like unstable lie, premature labor, lobar analgesia
Post operative pain relief
Ear conditions like Tinnitus & vertigo
Sports medicine
Acupuncture therapy facilities are available in almost all of the major hospitals and pain centers/ clinics. These are mainly set up for the management of chronic pain. Besides, there are also specialized clinics that are operated by trained and professional acupuncturists who provide treatment through this method.
Latest modifications in acupuncture therapy
Some of the latest modifications that have been made in acupuncture therapy include:
Electrical Acupuncture : This makes the use of electrical stimulation of the acupoints with the help of AP needles. This requires fewer sittings and the pain relief is obtained faster.
Aculaser : This involves the use of soft laser to activate the acupoints. There is no use of needles therefore the problems linked with use of un-sterile needles like spread of blood borne diseases like HIV & Hepatitis is terminated. Moreover there is no pain related to Aculaser. This process has obtained a very high patient acceptability.
Before you start on acupuncture therapy you should inform your acupuncturist about your medical condition and if you have had any complications in the past. Especially if you are pregnant or expect to be pregnant you should inform your acupuncturist. You should also tell the acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking. On the other hand you should also inform your doctor that you are planning to take acupuncture and discuss the possible effects with your doctor. Acupuncture is given along with herbal medicines. You should make sure that your doctor knows about these herbal medicines and whether they would cause any side effects on your health.
There are a number of acupuncturists practicing these days but before you select your acupuncturist you should make sure that he or she is licensed to practice and holds the required qualifications, skills and experience for practicing acupuncture therapy.
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