Acupuncture is an age-old Chinese traditional therapy to help relieve a number of illnesses. This therapy is based on the fact that there is a balance of energy in the body and if there is an imbalance in the energy then it can result in different diseases. There are certain points in our body called as acupoints and when these points are stimulated then they can cause in retrieving the normal energy balance in the body and relieve the symptoms of the disease.
Going through the process of acupuncture
The process for acupuncture involves the insertion of needles under the skin. This sounds painful but with the help of an expert this can be easy and once the insertion starts it does not pain. Moreover the pain is less as compared to syringes. Acupuncture takes a few sessions to relieve you of your ailment. The number of sessions depends on your ailment and the severity. When you meet your acupuncturist then he or she would conduct a physical examination and check your improvement. If there are any complications or difficulties that you have faced after your last session then it is important that you inform your acupuncturist.
Before you meet an acupuncturist you should inform your doctor so that if there can be any complication regarding this therapy then the doctor can make you aware of it. Moreover you should also inform your acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking and any sort of medical complication that you have faced previously. It is important to inform your acupuncturist about the medicines and the supplements that you are having because along with acupuncture you would also be given some herbal supplements that you would have to take in order to determine that these supplements do not interact with your medicines. Also inform your doctor if you are a smoker.
When can acupuncture be used?
Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc.
Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne, relieving symptoms of chemotherapy, high blood pressure, face lifts, diabetes etc.
Your responsibility when taking acupuncture
When you plan to take acupuncture then there are certain precautions that you should take. Some of these are mentioned below.
You should avoid coffee, cigarettes or being overly hungry before treatment.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
If you are pregnant then you should inform your ear acupuncturist or if you have a history of a bleeding disorder or epilepsy.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
You should not touch the needles during the process. After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.
Acupuncturist in New York
There are quite a number of acupuncturists in New York City. When you choose an acupuncturist you should be sure that he or she should be licensed to practice acupuncture. Some of the acupuncture clinics in New York are mentioned below.
Gabriel A. Sher:
He has received his Masters degree in Acupuncture and Herbology from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and specializes in treating addictions; allergies/asthma; anxiety/depression; arthritis/joint problems; bladder/kidney problems; common colds/flu constipation/diarrhea; fatigue; gastritis; headache/migraine; high blood pressure; immune system deficiency; infertility; insomnia; pain; numbness/poor circulation; sciatica; sexual dysfunction/ impotence; skin problems; stress/tension; tendonitis; tmj; ulcers/indigestion. You can contact him at 900 Broadway Suite 404 NYC 10003 Broadway between 19th and 20th Streets. E-mail:; Phone: 212-473-3750.
Sheila McLaughlin:
She has a B.S. and a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She certified by the National Board in acupuncture and herbalogy. She has more than 10 years of experience in acupuncture in New York City. You can contact her at 32 Union Square East, Room 612 North NYC, NY 10003; phone: 212.253.2252 or email
Dr. Yang, Xiu Juan (Sue) and Dr. Liu, Hong Wei:
They are licensed master practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and are PhDs, MDs from China. Both of them have trained for 11 years and at present are teaching professors and chief physicians in the field of gynecology and internal medicine. They have a combined experience of 42 years in acupuncture. You can contact them at 141 E. 55th St. # 9D; New York, NY 10022-4030; Tel: (212) 920-4528 or (516) 749-2065; E-mail:
The Berkley Center:
They mainly focus on the reproductive wellness and women?s health with the help of acupuncture. They are a world-renowned center for curing reproductive disorders with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy.
They mainly focus on improve the function of the ovaries to produce higher quality eggs; regulate the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles; increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the uterine lining; relax and de-stress; prevent uterine contraction post ivf embryo transfer; reduce the side-effects of ivf medications; strengthen the immune system/increase energy; improve sperm count, motility, morphology and reduce sperm dna fragmentation; increase chance of conceiving; decrease chance of miscarriage. You can contact them at 16 East 40th Street, 2nd Floor
New York NY 10016; Ph: 212-685-0985.
Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac:
He is a board certified acupuncturist and is nationally certified as a diplomate in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. You can contact him at Flatiron Acupuncture
Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac; 900 Broadway, Suite 404 (between 19th and 20th Streets)
New York, NY 10003; Tel: 646.509.8963;
Going through the process of acupuncture
The process for acupuncture involves the insertion of needles under the skin. This sounds painful but with the help of an expert this can be easy and once the insertion starts it does not pain. Moreover the pain is less as compared to syringes. Acupuncture takes a few sessions to relieve you of your ailment. The number of sessions depends on your ailment and the severity. When you meet your acupuncturist then he or she would conduct a physical examination and check your improvement. If there are any complications or difficulties that you have faced after your last session then it is important that you inform your acupuncturist.
Before you meet an acupuncturist you should inform your doctor so that if there can be any complication regarding this therapy then the doctor can make you aware of it. Moreover you should also inform your acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking and any sort of medical complication that you have faced previously. It is important to inform your acupuncturist about the medicines and the supplements that you are having because along with acupuncture you would also be given some herbal supplements that you would have to take in order to determine that these supplements do not interact with your medicines. Also inform your doctor if you are a smoker.
When can acupuncture be used?
Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc.
Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne, relieving symptoms of chemotherapy, high blood pressure, face lifts, diabetes etc.
Your responsibility when taking acupuncture
When you plan to take acupuncture then there are certain precautions that you should take. Some of these are mentioned below.
You should avoid coffee, cigarettes or being overly hungry before treatment.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
If you are pregnant then you should inform your ear acupuncturist or if you have a history of a bleeding disorder or epilepsy.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
You should not touch the needles during the process. After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.
Acupuncturist in New York
There are quite a number of acupuncturists in New York City. When you choose an acupuncturist you should be sure that he or she should be licensed to practice acupuncture. Some of the acupuncture clinics in New York are mentioned below.
Gabriel A. Sher:
He has received his Masters degree in Acupuncture and Herbology from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and specializes in treating addictions; allergies/asthma; anxiety/depression; arthritis/joint problems; bladder/kidney problems; common colds/flu constipation/diarrhea; fatigue; gastritis; headache/migraine; high blood pressure; immune system deficiency; infertility; insomnia; pain; numbness/poor circulation; sciatica; sexual dysfunction/ impotence; skin problems; stress/tension; tendonitis; tmj; ulcers/indigestion. You can contact him at 900 Broadway Suite 404 NYC 10003 Broadway between 19th and 20th Streets. E-mail:; Phone: 212-473-3750.
Sheila McLaughlin:
She has a B.S. and a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She certified by the National Board in acupuncture and herbalogy. She has more than 10 years of experience in acupuncture in New York City. You can contact her at 32 Union Square East, Room 612 North NYC, NY 10003; phone: 212.253.2252 or email
Dr. Yang, Xiu Juan (Sue) and Dr. Liu, Hong Wei:
They are licensed master practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and are PhDs, MDs from China. Both of them have trained for 11 years and at present are teaching professors and chief physicians in the field of gynecology and internal medicine. They have a combined experience of 42 years in acupuncture. You can contact them at 141 E. 55th St. # 9D; New York, NY 10022-4030; Tel: (212) 920-4528 or (516) 749-2065; E-mail:
The Berkley Center:
They mainly focus on the reproductive wellness and women?s health with the help of acupuncture. They are a world-renowned center for curing reproductive disorders with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy.
They mainly focus on improve the function of the ovaries to produce higher quality eggs; regulate the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles; increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the uterine lining; relax and de-stress; prevent uterine contraction post ivf embryo transfer; reduce the side-effects of ivf medications; strengthen the immune system/increase energy; improve sperm count, motility, morphology and reduce sperm dna fragmentation; increase chance of conceiving; decrease chance of miscarriage. You can contact them at 16 East 40th Street, 2nd Floor
New York NY 10016; Ph: 212-685-0985.
Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac:
He is a board certified acupuncturist and is nationally certified as a diplomate in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. You can contact him at Flatiron Acupuncture
Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac; 900 Broadway, Suite 404 (between 19th and 20th Streets)
New York, NY 10003; Tel: 646.509.8963;
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