Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Ashtanga yoga-eight ways to achieve a peaceful and happy life

When a person is having full control over his physical , mental and intellectual energies then he can lead a very happy life and Yoga is the way for that to achieve this. The word Yoga is existed from Sanskrit Language which means ?Union?. It is used to merge the soul with god. Yoga is a Science where a person gets opportunity to communicate with this own body, mind and soul. It is not only a physical exercise but also awakening the human?s Inner energy or soul?s energy. It includes meditation and leading the life in a rich philosophical way and it is helpful to lead a healthy and prosperous happy life by bringing Spiritual knowledge into a social context. Yoga is useful to know about the truth of self and to connect with it.

Ashtanga Yoga, eight ways to achieve a peaceful and happy life.

? Yamas

? Niyamas

? Yogasanas

? Pranayama

? Pratyahara

? Dharana

? Dhyana and

? Samadhi


There are many different opinions and descriptions about yamas. Bhagavat Purans says that there are 12 yamas where as Parashar Smriti says only 10. But Yamas are described as only 5 in Patanjali?s Yoga Sustras and they are known as great Universial Vows or the Sarvabhauma Maha Vratas.

They are:

? Ahimsa

? Satya

? Asteya

? Brahmacharya

? Aparigraha

Ahimsa: Normal meaning for Ahimsa is Non-Voilence that is shown through actions but in yoga it not only that but also through speech and thoughts. It improves love, understanding, patience and self love.

Satya: A perfect human who is practicing Satya (Truthfulness) will expresses in speech exactly what he thinks in his mind and do according to that.

Asteya: This is the third one in the Yamas. It stops forgoing the unauthorized possession of thought, speech, and action.

Brahmacharya: Brahmacharya means behaviour.

Aparigraha: This means Non-accumulation of worldly objects.


This is the second constituents of Ashtanga Yoga. In this a person will learn how to interact with himself and with internal world. There are ten Niyamas and

Bhagavad Gita lists 11 and where as Patanjali names only five.

They are :

? Shaucha

? Santosha

? Tapa

? Swadhyaya

? Ishwar pranidhan.

Shaucha: This implies on both external and as well as internal purity.

Santosha: In this Niyama one should not greed for not he is meant for, in short he should always desire his own honest labor.

Tapa: The power or the strength that stands against thirst and hunger, cold and hear, good and bad, happy and sorrow.

Swadhyaya: This is the study of scriputal studies.

Ishwar pranidhan: Dedicating or offering actions, thoughts , and speech to the god or divine.

Practicing Yamas and Niyamas will increase knowledge about living honest with true self.


It will help us to balace and harmonize the basic structure of human body.

Features of Yogasanas:

Yogasanas basically perform five functions:

? Conative

? Cognitive

? Mental

? Intellectual and

? Spiritual

Conative: The Yogasanas are the main yogic instrument of balancing the human body and they are consist of different physical postures that are designed to give relief from tension and increases flexibility and improves the flow of vital energy. The need of asanas is to make a flow positive energy and that helps our concentration within ourselves and the mind is able to parokshya jnana the effects of our purposive actions.

Benefits of Yogasanas: Regular practice of Yogasanas has the effect of therapeutic value. In addition to the different physiological benefits they also improve positive affect of our minds and our life force energies and as well as our creative intelligence.

Regular practice makes our body fit and fine, controls the cholesterol levels, maintains proper body weight, systemizes blood pressure and developes heart performance.

Different categories of yogasanas:

? Standing Asanas

? Forward Bending Asanas

? Supine Asanas

? Inverted Asanas

? Abdominal and lumbar Asanas

? Twisting Asanas

? Back Bending Asanas and

? Balancing Asanas

Standing Asanas: Starters must start with this asanas. This will increase flexibility in joints and muscles and improve stamina and physical stability. Example for Standing Asanas are:

? Tadasana

? Utthita Trikonasana

? Virabhadrasana.

Forward Bending Asanas: In this Asanas, half of the body will be stretched. These asanas makes you prepare for remaining advanced asanas. Samples for these are :

? Upavisthakonasana

? Paschimotanasana

Supine Asanas: Sitting straight and supine positions gives support to the sadhaka to get ready physically and mentally for pranayama. Examples for these are:

? Baddhakonasana

? Supta baddhakonasana etc.,

Inverted Asanas: These asanas will give relief from day today stress. They give support to get mental balance and emotional strogness.

They are :

? Adho mukha svanasa

? Urdhva mukha svansa.

Abdominal and Lumbar Asanas: These Asanas will tone up and massage the abdominal organs and strengthens the pelvic and lumbar areas. And the examples for these asanas are

? Bharadvajasana and

? Marichyasana

Twisting Asanas: In this asanas, spinal will have latheral stretching and twisting and toning the internal organs and examples for these are:

? Ardhamatsvendrasana and

? Jathara parivartanasana

Back bending Asanas: These asanas will help in brining up the physical and mental strongness, sharpness and alertness. The asanas are:

? Ustrasana

? Bhujangasana

? Matsysana

Balancing Asanas: These asanas will strengthen the arms and wrists and will give a good exercise to the abdominal organs. They also make body light and flexible.

Such asanas are :

? Salamba sirsana

? Nirambala sarvangasana

? Salamba sarvangasana


This single word is mixture of two words they are ?prana? and ?Yama? which means maintenance of prana with a healthy life. This asanam is mostly useful for breathing and to solve that related problems. As breath and prana is basic essential for life this asanam is useful to make better living.

According to Hatha Yoga , pranayam?s are classified into :

? Sahita kumbhaka

? Surya bhedi

? Ujjayi

? Sitali

? Bhastrika

? Bhramari

? Murchha and

? Kewali

Various positions in pranayam:

? Inhalation or puraka

? Exhalation or rechaka

? Stambavritti pranavama and

? Bahyabhyantarakshepi pranavama


This is useful to manage the senses in a right way instead of closing and suppressing them.


The last three ways of ashtanga yoga are the three important stages of meditation. Dharana will helpful for developing and widening our powers and concentration.


This is a posture in meditation where mind will not get any disturbance with normal distractions.


Samadhi or in other words total absorption is the stage where sadhaka will be in a object of concentration.


This is a brief explanation about Ashtanga yoga, it is a vast area or it is like a ocean how much we dig that much of knowledge will come out. It is a precious gift given to the human being by god, we have make it use to make our life happy and joy.

Alternative prostate cancer treatment-Types of Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

Prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment not considered to be a conventional prostate cancer therapy, and is used in place of conventional cancer treatments. Prostate cancer is an attack of the male prostate gland by a mass of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and is the third leading cause of American cancer cases. The American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a prostate cancer diagnosis during their life.

Types of Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

Chinese Medicine is one of the alternative methods being used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on ancient philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese Medicine devises therapy programs by searching for inequalities between internal and external harmony within patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (Massage Therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (Breathing), T\\'ai Chi Ch\\'uan, Feng Shui, and Chinese astrology. The eight branches of Chinese medicine, like most other prostate cancer alternative treatments, are used to alleviate the pain associated with the disease, as well as a remedy for the side effects affiliated with conventional cancer treatments.

Herbalism, or herbal medicine, is a holistic prostate cancer alternate treatment with the healing properties of plants and plant extracts at the center of the therapy. Some of the most popular components of herbal medicine include St. John\\'s Wort, lemon juice, Green Tea, Honey, Grapefruit, Black Cohash, Poultices, Juniper Berry, and Eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments vs. Conventional Prostate Cancer Therapies

Conventional prostate cancer therapies are administered by members of the medical community, including physical therapists, psychologists, and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are subjected to intense study to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for treating prostate cancer. Removing the testicles, in a surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. As is chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also customarily frozen as a part of a cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are the radical prostatectomy and the transurethal resection of the prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy surgery is generally performed once the cancer has not spread outside of the prostate gland. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, the radical retropubic and the perineal approach. The transurethal resection of the prostate is performed to curtail prostate swelling.

Luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to inhibit the release of the cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple in prostate cancer conventional treatments.

Prostate cancer alternative treatments are not characterized by the same level of study or scrutiny-signifying the greatest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatments and most traditional methods of treating the disease.

Many men are opting for what is called Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) Treatments. This includes supplementation, the use of herbs, therapies, yoga, massage, etc. An alternative prostate cancer treatment available to an individual is taken on immediately in complementing existing doctors prescriptions, or entirely to make full use of, in lieu of conventional treatments.

Reasons may range from the cost standpoint of the use of alternative prostate cancer treatment, and on the hope of the wonders of such. While conventional medications are usually of conservative claims, the alternative prostate cancer treatment options are hyped-up with claims, which may be true or not, but surely they have major effects on one ?s psyche.

An alternative prostate cancer treatment as the use of dietary supplements or herbs as saw palmetto, and garlic have been used by many. The claims, especially of saw palmetto, are very popular especially in Europe. In the US, saw palmetto has started to gain a strong following and believer of its efficacy.

As an alternative prostate cancer treatment, some also take in supplementation of Vitamin D, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and other antioxidants. The belief is to have a strong immune system to delay the progress of the cancer, if not to cure the disease.

Others may also make use of yoga and tai chi for relaxing of the mind, and to keep one from being stressed. One will be able to learn how to relax, and control emotions ? especially negative ones ? that are believed to cause hormonal effects that may be not good for one ?s system.

Individuals though should ask for their doctor's advice, before going into any alternative prostate cancer treatment. Or if one may already be in any of the alternative prostate cancer treatment options, it is best to be honest with your doctor about it. One should not hide such alternative treatment you have self-prescribed.

The risks and side effects of these alternative treatments, especially with its reaction to other medications you may be taking, can pose health issues on your end. You might just be complicating your situation and creating more health problems than you would want.

An alternative prostate cancer treatment may be convenient and may hold more promise, but do so under the guidance and supervision of your doctor. They are in the better position to evaluate your case, and analyze such alternative treatments if any should be fit for your situation. Never risk on your health, and while an alternative prostate cancer treatment may just work wonders for you, ask expert advice so that yours could be given the appropriate approach.

Alternative lung cancer treatment

Lung cancer affects the lungs and is caused mainly because of smoking, however it can even occur in people who have never smoked which can be attributed to inhaled cancer causing agents . Lung cancer is of two types:

Non-small cell lung cancer

Small cell lung cancer

Lung cancer is treated either by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, and photodynamic therapy . The treatment of the lung cancer depends on the stage in which the cancer is . The physician taking care of your health would know what is best for you .

When a treatment plan is prepared for lung cancer then there are different alternative and complimentary therapies that are included to improve the quality of life of the patient . When taking lung cancer therapy it is important that you ask your health car professional about the best way in which the alternative therapy can be included in your treatment plan and inform your physician about the other supplements and herbs that you are taking .

Supplements used in alternative lung cancer treatment

Here are some of the supplements that you can use to reduce the symptoms.

You should try and remove substances like dairy, corn, soy, preservatives and other additives and get yourself checked for food allergies .

Start consuming foods that are a rich source of iron and vitamin B like green leafy vegetables, whole grains, sea vegetables etc .

Start using healthy cooking oil like vegetable or olive oil

Include foods containing antioxidants like cherries, blueberries, tomatoes, bell pepper, squash etc .

Reduce your intake of red meat and increase lean meat, tofu, cold-water fish, and beans. Use eggs, vegetable protein shakes etc in your meal .

Try and avoid pastas, white bread and sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco etc. Also eliminate trans-fatty acids that are found in commercially baked foods .

Include light exercises in your daily routine.

Your doctor can prescribe the following in your daily routine

Pro-biotic supplement around 5-10 CFU/day so that your gastrointestinal and immunity is maintained properly. It is beat advised to refrigerate the pro-biotic supplement.

A multivitamin tablet every day that would contain vitamin A, C, E, and vitamin B-complex . Besides it should also contain trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium .

Vitamin C, 500-1000 mg once or twice in a day . This would serve as an antioxidant and support your immune system.

Omega-3-fatty acids, like fish oil to increase the immunity and help in decreasing the inflammation . Cold-water fish like halibut or salmon etc .

L-theanine, 200 mg 1-3 times in a day for supporting the immune and the nervous system

Alpha-lipoic acid, 25-50 mg for antioxidant support

Melatonin 2-6 mg at bedtime for sleep and immune support . High doses of melatonin can be beneficial in cases of lung cancer.

Resveratol 50-100 mg every day. This is to decrease the inflammation and the antioxidant effect.

Herbs as an alternative therapy

Herbs are a good way in, which the body can be strengthened, and a natural way of dealing with the system of the body . However, you should not start on any kind of herb therapy without consulting your physician. The herbs can be used either in the form of extracts like powders, capsules, tea etc or as tinctures . If not specified then you should have tea with 1 tsp of herb boiled with the tea decoction.

Some of the herbs that can be used include green tea, olive leaf, reishi mushroom, fermented wheat germ extract, milk thistle etc . These help in supporting the immune system and act as antioxidants, you can also use these as detoxification support .

Homeopathy as alternative therapy

When you consult an experienced homeopath for alternative therapy for lung cancer then he would prescribe you a schedule that would support your health during your lung cancer treatment . Some acute therapies can be useful for getting relief from symptoms as a result of the complications of the lung cancer treatment . Homeopathy can reduce the symptoms and the constitution of the body so that the stress on the body as a result of the treatment is reduced .

Physical treatment as alternative therapy

Putting an oil pack of castor oil can decrease the side effects as a result of chemotherapy in lung and helps the lungs in detoxification . You can soak a cloth in castor oil and apply it on the skin keeping a source of heat on top . You should leave it for 30 minutes or more. You can use this procedure for 3-4 consecutive days in a week to get the best results.

Acupuncture as an alternative therapy

Acupuncture is not used as treatments for cancer itself but researches have shown that it can be used as a beneficial therapy for the cancer related symptoms like nausea and vomiting . It is shown that acupuncture can reduce the incidence of shortness of breath and also reduce the pain .

Acupressure has also resulted as a useful tool in controlling the incidence of breathlessness and this can be easily learnt by; patients in controlling breathlessness. There are many acupuncture professionals who prefer to work with lung cancer patients after the treatment is completed . Whereas; there are others who would provide this therapy during the treatment of lung cancer.

Alternative therapy for lung cancer is given to patients based on individual needs and symptoms. You should never start any alternative therapy without consulting your physician. Moreover you should initially get yourself checked for the allergies and other effects that can be harmful to you

Alternative cancer treatment

Diseases like cancer are on a rapid high. There are many factors which cause cancer which include hereditary factors, smoking, drinking, immune system, viruses, age, and diet and with the rise in global warming, pollution have also become a major factor in increasing cancer cases. As compared to earlier assumptions, cancer is now a curable disease, but the amount of ache that a person has to go through the curing process is immensely painful. In normal circumstances cancer treatments include, different types of cancer drugs, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiotherapy.

Different types of cancer treatments depend on different types of cancer cases. A bone cancer is treated entirely in a different manner than a lung cancer. Talking of curing the cancer diseases, many people are now switching to alternative cancer treatments, in which they are opting for yoga and naturopathy. Along with these two options, homeopathic treatment is also a painless option for cancer treatment. More and more people are now considering these alternative treatments, which offer a painless option. Apart from this, there are many fruits and vegetables which have the properties of preventing the occurrence of cancer at first place.

Talking about options, acupuncture and ayurveda are also alternative cancer treatments.

The main reasons for people choosing such alternative treatments are the high cost of the modern treatments and futile outcome of the treatments. However the major cause of opting for an alternative cancer treatment is the side effects of allopathic medicines which causes harm to the body in a very huge manner. The most powerful form of alternative cancer treatment is yoga, which is now acceptable world wide; yoga can?t be called a treatment, which gives cent percent result, it is only a preventative measure against the cancer disease. And it is believed that yoga has the power to heal the damaged cancerous cells and tissues, thereby helping a person fight against the disease. With regular yoga asana and exercises, the immune system of the body becomes strong, by this means; the body is less susceptible to the disease, but different types of yoga asana are recommended to different types of cancer cases.

The other most effective alternative cancer treatment is through the way of homeopathy. Homeopathic cancer treatment aims at curing the physiological condition of the person who is suffering from cancer, rather than the physical symptoms that a cancer patient shows. If we speak in other words, homeopathy does not treat cancer, homeopathy treats the person on the whole who is suffering from cancer. Though homeopathy is a slow process of healing, it can cure all stages of the cancer. Another form of alternative treatment for cancer is acupuncture, and the main benefit of acupuncture is that it controls the pain, which helps in providing major relief to cancer patients post their surgery treatment; it also helps to reduce the side effects which are otherwise caused by antibiotic medicines. As a result, with so many alternative treatments for curing cancer, cancer is no longer considered to be dreadful disease, and alternative medicines act as a source, of curbing the disease further more.

Allied Health Education-What is Allied Health?

The healthcare industry in the US stands second in terms of growth and thus presents ample career opportunities. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2002 and 2012, there will be a 30% increase in the number of jobs in the healthcare industry, creating nearly 3.5 million new jobs in the healthcare sector.

What is Allied Health?

A number of health and health related jobs fall in the allied health services bracket. An allied health professional provides functional support to medical practitioners. Allied health professionals, as the name suggests are allied to the healthcare providers working in tandem to provide medical care to patients. They are certified professionals providing restricted medical care to patients. An estimated 2 million allied health professional work in the US which amount to 60 percent of the total healthcare workforce.

Allied health services are an ever increasing group and include a wide range, as many as 100 health and health related services. These services, to name a few include

? Athletic Training

? Administrative and Management Services

? Dental Hygiene

? Health care assistants (auxiliary nurse, clinical support worker, therapy assistant)

? Health Information Management

? Laboratory Services

? Massage Therapy

? Medical Technologists

? Nutrition Specialists / Dieticians

? Occupational / Physical / Respiratory / Speech and Language Therapy

? Optometry / Orthoptics

? Orthotics / Prosthetics

? Pre-hospital Services such as Ambulance and Paramedical Services

? Podiatry

? Radiology


The eligibility criteria for allied health courses are as varied as the services. A number of post-high school programs are available to students which provide specialized training and prepare the students for health services jobs. Some universities and colleges offer Baccalaureate / Masters four-year programs while some colleges offer two-year associate degree programs. Certain proprietary institutions and hospitals offer two-year certification programs. A two-year associate degree or certification is the minimum requirement for occupations such as radiological technologist or dental hygienist.

For nursing and healthcare assistants no minimum qualification is required. Most of the workers in nursing, residential care facilities and hospitals have a high school diploma or less.

It is important to enroll in an accredited program to ensure that the program meets certain quality standards. Since allied health services are a specialized area of work, an accredited program ensures both the prospective employer and the public of quality and knowledgeable professional entering the line of work.

Allied Health, being an extensive area of specialized work, research and study requires high academic and training inputs. Allied health professionals need to be adept in many key skills which include

? Use of electronic equipment and technology

? An understanding of human behavior; excellent interpersonal skills and ability to deal tactfully with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds

? Good team worker

? Operate in stressful situations

? Aptitude for science, medical terminology, spelling and acronym

Job Prospects

Job Opportunities in the allied health sector is excellent. According to the estimates of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics between 2002 and 2012, 10 out of the 20 occupations expected to grow the fastest are from the healthcare sector which includes home health aides, medical assistants, medical record technicians, physician assistants and health information assistants. The wage and salary in the healthcare industry is projected to increase 27 percent by 2014 which is higher than the 14 percent increase in all other industries. Thus, the demand for healthcare workers at all levels of educations and training will continue to increase.


A variety of educational programs are available to aspiring students all across the US. There are a number of schools offering courses and programs in Allied health. A complete list of schools offering allied health courses from

A list of the best schools offering courses in allied health services can be obtained from

Alkaline diet-Who should take such a diet?

There have been a number of theories behind alkaline diet. The main one revolves around the fact that our body has an alkaline pH and hence the food should also be according to the body pH. If you tend to have a diet that is rich in acidic foods like sugar, animal proteins or caffeine then it can result in an imbalance in the body that can result in diseases like obesity, heart problems, cancer allergies, premature ageing and fatigue. The pH of our body fluids has an influence on all the cells of the body. Almost all the holistic doctors recommend alkaline foods as an answer to medical conditions like acid influx and acidosis.

Who should take such a diet?

This diet is meant for people who do not keep well when they take a low carbohydrate or a high fat diet. Even people who lead a life full of stress can take this type of a diet. People who suffer from acidity are the main for which these diets are meant. The alkaline diet consists of almost 75-80% of alkaline foods and about 20-25% of acidic food.

Alkaline diet

Foods containing alkaline content include:

Vegetables like wheat grass, alfalfa spouts, barley grass, broccoli sprouts, cucumber, other types of sprouts, kale, sea vegetables and parsley have a high content of alkaline.

Vegetables like avocado, beets, arugula, bell peppers, cabbage, broccoli, celery, endive, garlic, collard, ginger, lettuce, green beans, tomato, mustard greens, onion, okra, spinach have moderate alkaline content.

Other vegetables like artichoke, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, carrot, kohlrabi, cauliflower, leeks, rhubarb, peas, rutabaga, watercress, turnip, zucchini have slight content of alkaline.

Some of the slight alkaline foods include grapefruit, coconut, lemon, etc. Among beans and legumes you can have soybeans, lima beans, white beans that have moderate alkaline content and tofu and lentils have slight content of alkaline.

Among nuts, seeds and oils those having high alkaline content include pumpkin seeds. Those with slight alkaline content include coconut oil, almond, cod liver oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, olive oil, etc.

Among grains you can have quinoa, buckwheat, or spelt. Instead of cow milk, which is acidic, you can have goat milk, which is slightly alkaline.

When on alkaline diet you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You should have limejuice and try and have alkalinizing green diet like broccoli, mustard greens and kale. You should prefer having fish over beef and lamb and try and use olive oil as your cooking medium.

You should always keep soaked nuts and cut vegetables ready in your refrigerator so that you can have them whenever you want. This would help you maintaining your alkaline diet rather than going in for junk food that would again increase the acidic diet. You should always keep salad ready in your fridge so that you can have it whenever you are hungry.

Exclusions when on alkaline diet

When on an alkaline diet you should avoid foods like meat (apart from fish), sugar, caffeine, dairy products, processed foods, white rice and pasta, tobacco, condiments, saturated fats etc. You should also avoid soft drinks and soda and other kinds of acidic drinks.

You should avoid having foods that contain preservatives and coloring agents. The body cannot digest these chemicals hence they cause damage to your body. Most of the people to reduce their calorie intake switch over to artificial sweeteners. They are again synthetic and can result in long-term damage to your body.

Why to have alkaline diet

Having alkaline diet can, not only help you in maintaining your body balance but also in losing weight. People usually go in for a low carb and high protein diet to lose weight but they do not realize that they are actually inviting bad health. On the other hand when you have an alkaline diet you can not only stay away from the calories but also bring about some healthy fitness into your body and avoid getting into a number of medical conditions that can be serious. When you have high protein diets you would end up having a diet that is rich in acidic content hence leading to fatigue and way to most of the illnesses.

Alkaline diets are a good way in which cancer can be prevented. They raise the pH of the body and result in alkaline tissues in holding as much as 20 time of oxygen as compared to the acidic tissues. Cancer cells cannot survive in oxygen and hence this would prevent cancer from forming. Besides this there are a number of other diseases that can be prevented with the help of the alkaline diet.

Every body type is different and hence requires different dietary essentials. Before you start on an alkaline diet you should consult a nutritionist about the exact diet that you should follow. The easiest way that you can follow an alkaline diet is that you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You should move towards food containing less of fat and acids and have more of such foods with alkaline content. Following an alkaline diet is easy you are just required to get used to it and it can do wonders to your body and health. Alkaline diet is the best way in which you can treat yourself to different types of foods and also remain healthy at the same time. So start making your life healthy from today, consult a nutritionist and start your alkaline diet program.

Affordable health plan-affordable health insurance plan is also simple

Health insurance covers all the benefits one needs at the time of sudden health problems and unpleasant health situations. Nowadays affordable health insurance plans are easily available for individual, family and employees. Family health insurance and individual health insurance provide with maximum benefit at a long term basis. They are very easily available and at the same time affordable . Basically the plans covered under individual and family health insurance are PPO, POS and HMO . To elaborate a step further the PPO plan (preferred provider organization) offers: the plan usually encourage the insurer to choose from a huge network of all the hospitals and doctors, of the insurance company, from whom insurer is buying the plan. On using this PPO service within the plan, the insurer of the plan also get discounted rates on the treatment from this network of hospitals and doctors. On the other hand the POS (point of service) offers : this plan works with the combination features of the preferred provider organization plan, but here the insurer has to choose from the primary care physicians, from the network of the insurance company.

However the most affordable health plan is the indemnity plan, it offers full freedom to choose any hospitals and any doctors for that matter, but the only disadvantage of this plan is; it involves lots of paper work and at the same time, lots of extra costs. And the advantage of this affordable health plan remains freedom to choose any specialists and doctors with no additional referrals required. The only flaw in this plan remains is to pay deductible, but that remains small payment in comparison to the offering of the plan. Now buying a suitable affordable health insurance plan is also simple, if you apply online for such type of insurance plan.

 After your application is processed by the insurance company, the insurance company will ask for a check in the name of that insurance company as the first premium payment. After the approval of the company, the premium payment of the insurance cover is generally paid on a quarterly or a monthly basis. Therefore there are different affordable insurance plans for different needs of person buying the health insurance cover.

Some affordable health insurance companies offer basic coverage which include hospitalization charges and surgery coverage, in case of major accidents, thus these have lower monthly payments. On the other hand comprehensive coverage includes all the expenses of major accidents. And the monthly payments of this coverage are slightly higher than basic coverage. Another point to be considered in the cheap health insurance coverage is the pay out expenses, it again depends on what is the limit of out of pocket expenses on the health insurance plan. There is also short term coverage options offered by the health insurance companies which are again very affordable in nature, but they offer slightly less than an option for long term coverage. Therefore there are many affordable plans offered by many health insurance companies, the choice of type of the plan remains on the insurer i.e. which plan suits his pocket the best.

Affordable California Health insurance could be the real solution in such cases.

Affordable Health Insurance California is available Rising health care costs reasons for searching an affordable California health insurance plan Rising health care costs is steadily turning out to be a national problem in United States. The impact is clearly more visible in case of senior citizens. In their retired life, majority of American citizens face the problems of meeting the health care expenses for themselves and their family with their limited income. California, one of the advanced states in United States is not free from this syndrome. An affordable California Health insurance could be the real solution in such cases. High deductibles and premiums for health insurances another reason for choosing an affordable California health insurance plan Problems of rising health care expenses are further compounded by the prospects of high deductibles and premiums.

Invariably the requirement of an Affordable Health Insurance California crops up for the people who desire to have a health insurance to meet the expenses incurred on various fronts like hospital expenses, doctors visit and prescription drugs. Because with their moderate income most people, especially the senior citizens are not able to meet adequately the expenses involved in health care of their family. About Co-payment and deductibles The two terms that are closely related with an affordable California health insurance plan are Co-payment and deductibles. Existence of these two attributes will make a plan less affordable. Co-payment is a charge agreed upon between the provider insurance company and the client while purchasing an insurance plan ranging ordinarily from $15 to $50. These are used for doctors visit and cost of prescription drugs.

On the other hand a deductible is a fixed amount and until your expenses on health care reach this limit you have to pay all expenses from your own pocket. Insurance providers come to your assistance only when you reach the deductibles level. About Co-insurance and an affordable California health insurance plan Co-insurance entirely depends on your provider and may range from 10% to 80%. For every health care expense you make, this would be your share of payment. If the health care expense is $1000 and co-insurance is 20%, in that case you pay $200 and Provider Company pays the balance $800. On the basis of such payments to be made you can easily decide whether the plan you choose is an affordable California health insurance plan or not. About network provider and an affordable Affordable Health Insurance California plan A network is extremely essential in case of an affordable California health insurance plan. In-network means that the doctor, hospital or pharmacy has a contract with the provider and you get the natural benefits out of your plan from them due to such contract. Out-contract means the concerned doctor, hospital or pharmacy does not have a contract with your provider and in such case your expenses on health care engaging them will be considerably higher. Affordable California health insurance individual or family health insurance plans An affordable California health insurance could be of various types. The Individual health insurance covers only the purchaser as the policy holder. PPO, HMO and Short term health insurances come under this type of individual and affordable California health insurance plans. A family health insurance is similar to individual health insurance but the difference is that it covers each member of your family under the affordable California health insurance policy. However, the family insurance plans are invariably more popular. Does PPO rank among the affordable California health insurance plans PPO that is the short form for Preferred Provider Organization where you get the facilities of visiting doctors within a particular network but these types do not come under the affordable California health insurance. Because such a plan has both a deductible and a co-payment for doctors visit, it cannot be termed as an affordable California health insurance. HMO an affordable California health insurance with limitations One of the affordable California Health Insurance plan is HMO or Health Maintenance Organization. Though affordable they have several restrictions compared to the PPO plans. Ordinarily the network of health care providers is smaller in dimension under HMO plans. But they are still classified as affordable California Health Insurance Plan since there are neither the deductibles nor the co-payments. You will however, have to select a primary physician. POS a comparatively less affordable California health insurance plan with wider network facilities Though not as affordable as HMO another comparatively less affordable California Health Insurance is a Point of Service or POS plan.

The client is required to choose a primary physician but the network is broader and better compared to HMO. The plan is one of the affordable California health insurance plan since there are no deductibles or co-payments. An Indemnity plan cannot be termed as an affordable California health insurance plan Sometimes a client may be interested to have an Indemnity plan. But such plan cannot be termed as an affordable California Health Insurance since you have to pay a deductible as well as your health care visits. Some of the expenses may be reimbursed by the provider insurance company but not all. Generally such a plan requires you to foot an UCR or usual, customary and reasonable bill on your claims. HAS a plan that can be termed as an affordable California health insurance plan providing benefits in a round about way A plan that may rank as somewhat affordable California health insurance plan is the Health Savings Account or HAS. Commencing in 2004, this plan allows you to open up a savings account to be supplemented by your insurance plan to meet your health care expenses. However, the plan becomes affordable in the sense that you get tax exemptions on your contributions. Unused funds remain tax free and can accumulate interest over the passage of time.

Affordable Health Insurance California plan is available the issue is to choose the right one There are numerous providers coming up with offers of affordable California Insurance Plans as available. However, all of them may not be really affordable or may have hidden administrative and other costs which you only discover after you opt for their plan. It is for you to choose the right one and to avoid all unscrupulous traders who try to lure you into a not so affordable California health insurance plan using marketing jargons. You may have the expert advice or you may seek even the assistance of California Health Department for choosing the right provider. You can also visit the nets and find out for yourselves and surf through the antecedents of the providers to choose the right one. Whatever course you adopt, please carefully go through the terms and conditions and obtain convincing answer for all your questions and nagging doubts before opting for any of the affordable California health insurance plans. An article by Tarashankar Chakraborty

Advanced lung cancer-Symptoms of advanced lung cancer

Advanced lung cancer signifies about lung cancer that has spread to other parts of the body like liver, brain, lymph nodes etc. The lung cancer spread, can either be local or to other parts of the body.

A local lung cancer spread means that the cancer has spread in the lung from where it had started. It would have grown in some other part of the same lung like the airway or would have spread to the chest wall and the lining of the lung.

A lung cancer is termed as advance if there is presence of cancer cells in the fluid surrounding the lungs. This condition is called as pleura effusion. Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body is known as metastasis or secondary cancer. Some of the cancer cells would have moved via bloodstream or the lymphatic system to the other parts of the body and would have started growing there.

Symptoms of advanced lung cancer

Usually the symptoms of lung cancer are not visible until it has spread to the nearby organs or tissues. When lung cancer spread it shows the following symptoms :

Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)

Bone pain



Masses or lumps develop near the skin on other parts of the body (caused by cancer spreading to lymph nodes, or skin)

Feeling weak in the arms and/or legs

These symptoms also indicate other diseases hence it would not always that it shows the presence of advanced lung cancer. However you should see your doctor in case any of these symptoms appear. There are some body parts where the lung cancer is more likely to spread. It is not necessary that all lung cancers spread and if they do it is not necessary that they spread to the same body parts. The most common places where lung cancer can spread include : brain, bones, liver and lymph nodes.

If you notice any lumps in you underarms or your neck then you should inform your doctor. Lymph nodes that are affected by cancer are bigger than the normal size. However lymph nodes also increase in size because of other infections. It is better to consult a doctor.

When cancer spreads into the liver it results in pain in the right side below the ribs. You might fall sick after having a rich diet and at a later stage jaundice can also occur. See your doctor if you observe these symptoms. It is diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound.

If cancer has spread into the bones then the most common symptom is pain. Bones affected by cancer are more likely to fracture than other bones. Any pain that is because of spreading of cancer in the bone reacts well to the treatment. It is diagnosed by after bone scans on x-ray.

When cancer spreads into the brain then it can make you feel confused and drowsy. You can have headache along with sickness. This type of cancer is best treated by radiotherapy given along with steroid tablets. It is diagnosed with MRI or CT scan.

Treating advanced lung cancer

The standard treatment for advanced lung cancer includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. They can help in shrinking the cancer and hence relieve the symptoms. Chemotherapy can also help in non-recurrence of the cancer and keep the patient well for a longer time.

The best treatment that you can have depends on various factors like :

The area where the cancer has spread

The type of lung cancer

Treatments that you have already undergone

Any other medical complication the you are suffering from

In case the cancer has spread to just one area then it can be treated by radiotherapy but if it has spread to more than one area then chemotherapy is the best option because chemotherapy would treat the whole body whereas radiation therapy acts on a localized area.

In case the cancer has resulted in blockage of the airway then the doctor can recommend any of the following : internal radiotherapy, laser therapy, electrocautery, cryotherapy (treatment using freezing probe) or light treatment. These treatments result in the killing of cancer cells.

It is common that people suffering from lung cancer have fluid collection between the tissues covering the lung, which is called as pleural effusion. This results in complications in breathing. This can be treated by, drawing the fluid, which is called as thoracentesis. If the fluid collects again after being treated then it needs to be removed again, however, if this keeps recurring then the doctor is likely to stop the collection of the fluid which is called as pleurodesis. Such treatments can lead to chest pain so you should make sure that you ask the doctor for some painkillers.

FDA has given approval to Avastin- a drug used in colon cancer chemotherapy for treating advanced lung cancer. This drug can be used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs like paclitaxel and carboplatin. It is usually give by injection and acts by targeting on the growth factor of the cancer cells. They interfere with the blood supply to the tumor by stopping the production of new blood vessels.

There are a few things which if avoided can reduce the risk of developing lung cancer like avoiding tobacco, you should include beta-carotene in your diet, add some sort of physical exercises in your daily routine and eat healthy and nutritious food. Though cancer cannot be avoided all together in patients where risk factor cannot be prevented but still following these can reduce the risk.

Acupuncture therapy-Latest modifications in acupuncture therapy

Acupuncture better known as traditional Oriental Medicine. Acupuncture is based on the Chinese belief that blocking of vital flow of energy in the body can result in imbalance that is the main cause of diseases in the human body. This block of energy can be resorted by inserting needles into specific points in the body called as acupoints. Acupuncture actually involves the use of the technique and also herbal medicines. It involves the use of needles that are inserted into the skin to a depth of 1/5 to 3 inches. It cannot be said that acupuncture is a painless technique but it is in all ways less painful than syringes.

The process of acupuncture

Acupuncture is a painless process that has a very few side effects that are also very uncommon. The whole process requires around 12 consultations each consultation lasting for a period of an hour and to be taken weekly. During these consultations a physical examination of the patient is conducted and if there are any complications because of the previous consultation then it is discussed.

There are several theories that are related to how acupuncture works. The most common and logical out of them is that acupuncture works through the nervous system. Once the nerves are stimulated then the organ that is connected to these nerves also gets stimulated and hence the effects can be seen. The nerves of every, organ is responsible for the action of the organ be it hyper or hypo. The use of acupuncture can relate the function of these nerves.

It is also seen that when ear acupuncture is used then it releases pain-relieving chemicals that are called as endorphins. These substances can have an effect on the mood of the person and relieve certain symptoms.

Precautions to be taken with acupuncture

When you undergo acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary and other changes that you should follow. Some of the common precautions to be followed are mentioned below.

Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.
Disadvantages of acupuncture

One of the main disadvantages of acupuncture is the need to find a spot that is the most painful so that the acupuncture can be effective. This is not a pleasant thing for people who are sensitive to pain.

The best points for acupuncture are those that feel like electric shock. But the pain gradually decreases as the needling is continued. The other side effects can be transmission of infectious agents, minor bleeding at the insertion point and needles broken beneath the skin. However, these risks can be reduced if you take the help of a licensed and professional acupuncturist that has undergone the required 2000 to 3000 hours of training and has passed the required board exam.

Conditions that respond best to acupuncture

Some of the ailments that respond in the best way to acupuncture include:

Allergic rhinitis
Lumbas and Cervical spondylitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Buerges's disease
It is also effective in management of

Bronchial Asthma
Skin conditions like Eczema
Obesity, Diabetes & B.P.
Obstentric problems like unstable lie, premature labor, lobar analgesia
Post operative pain relief
Ear conditions like Tinnitus & vertigo
Sports medicine
Acupuncture therapy facilities are available in almost all of the major hospitals and pain centers/ clinics. These are mainly set up for the management of chronic pain. Besides, there are also specialized clinics that are operated by trained and professional acupuncturists who provide treatment through this method.

Latest modifications in acupuncture therapy

Some of the latest modifications that have been made in acupuncture therapy include:

Electrical Acupuncture : This makes the use of electrical stimulation of the acupoints with the help of AP needles. This requires fewer sittings and the pain relief is obtained faster.

Aculaser : This involves the use of soft laser to activate the acupoints. There is no use of needles therefore the problems linked with use of un-sterile needles like spread of blood borne diseases like HIV & Hepatitis is terminated. Moreover there is no pain related to Aculaser. This process has obtained a very high patient acceptability.

Before you start on acupuncture therapy you should inform your acupuncturist about your medical condition and if you have had any complications in the past. Especially if you are pregnant or expect to be pregnant you should inform your acupuncturist. You should also tell the acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking. On the other hand you should also inform your doctor that you are planning to take acupuncture and discuss the possible effects with your doctor. Acupuncture is given along with herbal medicines. You should make sure that your doctor knows about these herbal medicines and whether they would cause any side effects on your health.

There are a number of acupuncturists practicing these days but before you select your acupuncturist you should make sure that he or she is licensed to practice and holds the required qualifications, skills and experience for practicing acupuncture therapy.

Acupuncture schools california-Acupunture & integrative Medicine College

Vision of integration of Chinese/Western medicine for future healthcare delivery. The only acupuncture and Chinese medicine school nationwide affiliated with six regional hospitals. The graduates will be the most professional and competent practitioners in the area.

Acupunture & integrative Medicine College

Starting your program at AIMC Berkeley is easy, with new evening and part-time schedules starting the winter! Our vision is to integrate multiple traditions of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and complementary & Western medicines.

Dongguk Royal University - Los Angeles

DRU's academic program is designed to offer the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine.

Samra University of Oriental Medicine - Los Angeles

We are the first Univesity of Oriental Medicine in the United States. Our graduates are Educators, Practitioners, and inovators in the field of Alternative Medicine.

Southern California University School of Orienal Medicine & Acupuncture - Los Angeles

SCUSOMA is presentl offering a scholarship valued upto 50% off the tuition of it's masters degree program. The first 50 students that sign up will receive this gift for the duration of their four-year education.

Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicien - Los Angeles

Celebrated healers Maoshing Ni and Daoshing Ni have created a unique and intimate academic environmental offering comprehensive Taoist-based training in the many facets of traditional Chinese Medicine.

Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences - Oakland

Traditional Chinese Medicine is more than needles and formulas. TCM is the art of acupuncture, acpressure.

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego - San Diego

Pacific College, one of the largest acupuncture schools in the U.S. was founded in 1986.

American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine - San Francisco

The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine exists to prepare candidates to enter the practive of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Five Branches Institute - San Jose

Five Branches Institute - Santa Cruz

The students receive the most comprehensive education in Chinese medicine available.

Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine - Santa Monica

The Master's Program is comprised of an academically rigorous curriculum.

University of East-West Medicine - Sunnyvale

The program consists of 1785 hours of lecture and 900 hours clinical courses, for a total 2685 hours.

Acupuncture new york city-When can acupuncture be used?

Acupuncture is an age-old Chinese traditional therapy to help relieve a number of illnesses. This therapy is based on the fact that there is a balance of energy in the body and if there is an imbalance in the energy then it can result in different diseases. There are certain points in our body called as acupoints and when these points are stimulated then they can cause in retrieving the normal energy balance in the body and relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Going through the process of acupuncture

The process for acupuncture involves the insertion of needles under the skin. This sounds painful but with the help of an expert this can be easy and once the insertion starts it does not pain. Moreover the pain is less as compared to syringes. Acupuncture takes a few sessions to relieve you of your ailment. The number of sessions depends on your ailment and the severity. When you meet your acupuncturist then he or she would conduct a physical examination and check your improvement. If there are any complications or difficulties that you have faced after your last session then it is important that you inform your acupuncturist.

Before you meet an acupuncturist you should inform your doctor so that if there can be any complication regarding this therapy then the doctor can make you aware of it. Moreover you should also inform your acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking and any sort of medical complication that you have faced previously. It is important to inform your acupuncturist about the medicines and the supplements that you are having because along with acupuncture you would also be given some herbal supplements that you would have to take in order to determine that these supplements do not interact with your medicines. Also inform your doctor if you are a smoker.

When can acupuncture be used?

Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc.

Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne, relieving symptoms of chemotherapy, high blood pressure, face lifts, diabetes etc.

Your responsibility when taking acupuncture

When you plan to take acupuncture then there are certain precautions that you should take. Some of these are mentioned below.

You should avoid coffee, cigarettes or being overly hungry before treatment.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
If you are pregnant then you should inform your ear acupuncturist or if you have a history of a bleeding disorder or epilepsy.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not walk around after needles are inserted.
You should not touch the needles during the process. After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.

Acupuncturist in New York

There are quite a number of acupuncturists in New York City. When you choose an acupuncturist you should be sure that he or she should be licensed to practice acupuncture. Some of the acupuncture clinics in New York are mentioned below.

Gabriel A. Sher:

He has received his Masters degree in Acupuncture and Herbology from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and specializes in treating addictions; allergies/asthma; anxiety/depression; arthritis/joint problems; bladder/kidney problems; common colds/flu constipation/diarrhea; fatigue; gastritis; headache/migraine; high blood pressure; immune system deficiency; infertility; insomnia; pain; numbness/poor circulation; sciatica; sexual dysfunction/ impotence; skin problems; stress/tension; tendonitis; tmj; ulcers/indigestion. You can contact him at 900 Broadway Suite 404 NYC 10003 Broadway between 19th and 20th Streets. E-mail:; Phone: 212-473-3750.

Sheila McLaughlin: 

She has a B.S. and a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She certified by the National Board in acupuncture and herbalogy. She has more than 10 years of experience in acupuncture in New York City. You can contact her at 32 Union Square East, Room 612 North NYC, NY 10003; phone: 212.253.2252 or email

Dr. Yang, Xiu Juan (Sue) and Dr. Liu, Hong Wei:

They are licensed master practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and are PhDs, MDs from China. Both of them have trained for 11 years and at present are teaching professors and chief physicians in the field of gynecology and internal medicine. They have a combined experience of 42 years in acupuncture. You can contact them at 141 E. 55th St. # 9D; New York, NY 10022-4030; Tel: (212) 920-4528 or (516) 749-2065; E-mail:

The Berkley Center:

They mainly focus on the reproductive wellness and women?s health with the help of acupuncture. They are a world-renowned center for curing reproductive disorders with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy.

They mainly focus on improve the function of the ovaries to produce higher quality eggs; regulate the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles; increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the thickness of the uterine lining; relax and de-stress; prevent uterine contraction post ivf embryo transfer; reduce the side-effects of ivf medications; strengthen the immune system/increase energy; improve sperm count, motility, morphology and reduce sperm dna fragmentation; increase chance of conceiving; decrease chance of miscarriage. You can contact them at 16 East 40th Street, 2nd Floor
New York NY 10016; Ph: 212-685-0985.

Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac: 

He is a board certified acupuncturist and is nationally certified as a diplomate in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. You can contact him at Flatiron Acupuncture
Nicholas C. Steadman L.Ac; 900 Broadway, Suite 404 (between 19th and 20th Streets)
New York, NY 10003; Tel: 646.509.8963;

Acupuncture los angeles-Acupuncturist in Los Angeles

Acupuncture is a old Chinese therapy that has gained a lot of importance and popularity in the western society off late. It is one of the most famous therapies to relieve stress and lately is being used in many other areas like infertility, arthritis, smoking cessation, allergies, acne, pain etc. Acupuncture is based on the Chinese theory of yin and yang than pays stress on the energy balance of the body and when there is an imbalance of energy in the body it results in some form of ailment. Acupuncture balances this energy in the body by acting through the central nervous system. There are a number of professional that can be found these days practicing the art of acupuncture. Acupuncture requires a lot of devotion and expertise towards the profession and hence it is important that the acupuncturist whom who go to should have completed the required hours of training and should be licensed to practice.

The procedure for acupuncture

The process for acupuncture involves the insertion of needles under the skin. This sounds painful but with the help of an expert this can be easy and once the insertion starts it does not pain. Moreover the pain is less as compared to syringes. Acupuncture takes a few sessions to relieve you of your ailment. The number of sessions depends on your ailment and the severity. When you meet your acupuncturist then he or she would conduct a physical examination and check your improvement. If there are any complications or difficulties that you have faced after your last session then it is important that you inform your acupuncturist.

Before you meet an acupuncturist you should inform your doctor so that if there can be any complication regarding this therapy then the doctor can make you aware of it. Moreover you should also inform your acupuncturist about the medicines that you are taking and any sort of medical complication that you have faced previously. It is important to inform your acupuncturist about the medicines and the supplements that you are having because along with acupuncture you would also be given some herbal supplements that you would have to take in order to determine that these supplements do not interact with your medicines. Also inform your doctor if you are a smoker.

What precautions should you take

When you plan to take acupuncture then there are certain precautions that you should take. Some of these are mentioned below.

You should avoid coffee, cigarettes or being overly hungry before treatment.
Use the bathroom before starting the treatment.
If you are pregnant then you should inform your ear acupuncturist or if you have a history of a bleeding disorder or epilepsy.
Once that the needles are pierced you should sit quietly and relaxed for 45 minutes.
You should not touch the needles during the process. After the process is over the acupuncturist will take out your needles.

Ailments that can be benefited

There are a number of ailments that can be benefited from acupuncture. Some of the ailments include: Allergic rhinitis, Osteoarthritis, Lumbas and Cervical spondylitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Migraine, Buerges ?s disease, Bronchial Asthma, Skin conditions like Eczema, Obesity, Diabetes B.P., Obstentric problems like unstable lie, premature labor, lobar analgesia, Post operative pain relief, Ear conditions like Tinnitus vertigo, Sports medicine, etc.

Acupuncturist in Los Angeles

There are a number of acupuncture clinics in Los Angeles. Some of these clinics that you can visit are mentioned below.

Healing Lotus Acupuncture: 

They provide acupuncture services to the area of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Malibu and Pacific Palisades. The main person behind this clinic is Renna a registered nurse. She has a combined experience of 35 years in nursing and traditional Chinese medicine. She expertise?s in healing techniques to relieve stress and pain. You can contact them at Healing Lotus Acupuncture; 3731 Canfield Ave. #1; Los Angeles, CA 90034; Telephone: 310-836-8858; Fax: 310-836-1102.

Yulien Tso, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M:

They are licensed to practice acupuncture by; the California Acupuncture Board and the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also a certified massage therapist and is certified in auriculotherapy by the Auriculotherapy Certification Institute. Every patient is given individual attention and understands the needs of every patient. Her acupuncture services attend to internal medical conditions like common cold and arthritis, clinic services include treatments for weight reduction, addiction cessation, facial rejuvenation, pain management, adjunct treatments for reducing the side effects of chemo and other medical therapies, etc. You can contact her at 13315 Washington Blvd., Suite 304; Los Angeles, CA 90066; (213) 284-0774; email:

Los Angeles Center for Healing:

This center was founded around 16 years back by Dr. Theresa Gormly, a chiropractor dedicated to exploring alternative healing therapies for the mind and body. The center provides services in chiropractic care, acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, and nutritional analysis. You can contact them at 1157 South Robertson Blvd; Los Angles, CA 90035; Tel. 310-858-8886 / Fax. 310-858-1630.

Polina Bowler, M.T.O.M., L.Ac:

She is a licensed acupuncturist & herbalist and has Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She makes the use of acupuncture along with herbal formulas and moxibustion. You can contact her at 5820 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 205; Los Angeles, California 90036; phone: 323.936.8512; e-mail:

Douglas Eisenstark L.Ac:

He is experienced in treating people with the help of acupuncture therapy. He treats ailments like Hepatitis B & C, Anxiety and Depression, Diabetes, IBS, Fertility, Pain, PMS, Parkinsons. You can contact him at 2001 S. Barrington, (just North of Olympic), Suite 111, Los Angeles, CA, email:, phone: 310-403-7018.

Gary Jacob:

He has the required qualifications to practice acupuncture. He treats a number of ailments with the help of acupuncture. You can contact him at 10474 Santa Monica Blvd., South Roadway; Suite 202; Los Angeles, CA 90025; Email:; tel: 310.470.2909; fax: 310.470.7557; cell: 310.339.6009

Acupuncture houston-How does acupuncture work

Traditional form of acupuncture involves insertion of thin needles into specific points on the surface of the skin. These points in the body are called as acupoints. When these points are pricked they cause an ionic transfer that sets the balance of energy in the body. This is an age-old theory practiced in China and has gained a lot of popularity in the western society. Every ailment has different points that should be activated and this activation differs from one person to another according to the severity of the condition.

Uses of acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used to improve the general health of the person and the immune and organ system. It is helpful in treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing both recurrence of illnesses and new illness, improving overall health etc. Besides acupuncture can be used to relieve stress and depression, pain, allergies, arthritis, infertility, cessation of smoking, sinusitis, common cold, acne etc.

How does acupuncture work

There are a number of theories that have been proposed to determine the way in which acupuncture works. However according to the Chinese explanation it affects the energy in the body. Our body has energy flowing in channels and any imbalance in this flow of energy can result in imbalance in the body and hence leads to various ailments. This is called as the yin yang theory in Chinese. Acupuncture aims at maintaining the proper balance of this energy in the body by activating specific points that result in easing the flow of this energy.

As per the modern science acupuncture cats by, stimulating the nerves and acts through the brain to have an affect on the affected organs. The acupoints in the body have a rich supply of nerves and when these are activated it results in transmission of signals through the brain to the specific organ and hence relieves the suffering. Every ailment has different acupoints to be activated that targets the specific organ that has been affected because of the illness. When this is activated then it results in the proper functioning of that organ.

Dietary changes when taking acupuncture

When you opt to take acupuncture then you should ask your acupuncturist about the dietary changes that you are supposed to follow. Usually the acupuncture sessions are accompanied with herbal medicines or extracts and you are required to take plenty of energy foods with it.

You should include a lot of fresh food and vegetables in your diet. Try and have juice and soups and avoid much use of tea, coffee and if you are a smoker it is advised that you stop smoking or reduce it. You should never go for an acupuncture session just after smoking and also should eat properly before you attend the session.

Information you should provide

Before you start an acupuncture session you should inform your acupuncturist about the following things:

Medicines and supplements that you are taking
Any medical condition that you are facing or have faced previously
Your dietary habits
If you smoke then your frequency of smoking
Inform your acupuncturist if you are pregnant or expecting to be pregnant.
About your doctor
If you have been advised to take any precautions regarding your health.

On the same hand before going in for an acupuncture session you should consult with your medical care provider and ask him or her whether the session can affect your health in an adverse way.

Acupuncturists in Houston

Some of the acupuncture clinics in Houston are mentioned below:

Eastern Harmony Acupuncture: 

They specialize in treating patients with fertility problems with the help of acupuncture and herbal therapy. They have a lot of experience and the right educational background for dealing with such cases. You can contact them at Eastern Harmony Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic; Phone: 713/529-1610; 4611 Montrose Blvd, Suite A201, Houston, TX 77006; email: or

J & L Acupuncture & Herbs: 

They are licensed professional acupuncturists and are Professors of Chinese Medicine. They have more than 40 years of experience and attend to cases only by appointment. You can call them at 713-988-8849 and visit them at 9180 Bellaire Blvd. Suite D; Houston, TX 77036; (Located in Diho Square); Tele: 713-988-8849; they accept payments through cash and credit card

Harvey Milstein: 

He is a licensed and experienced acupuncturist and has helped a number of people in removing pain, relieving a multitude of symptoms, ending drug addictions etc. You can contact him at Harvey N. Milstein; Diplomate L.Ac. (NCCAOM), B. Sc. Phm; Acupuncturist; 12126 Briar Forest; "Country Village"; Houston, TX 77077; Phone: (281) 496-1510.

Oriental Art of Healing: 

They provide acupuncture for treating a number of symptoms like infertility, pain, stress, anxiety, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, insomnia, fatigue, hypertension; eating disorders, acne, acupuncture facial lift, weight-reduction, overweight/obesity, hair loss, smoking cessation, GI/esophageal disorders, high cholesterol/sugar, general health improvement, cancer recover after surgery/chemo/radiation therapies. You can contact them at 3400 Bissonnet St. Suite 201; Houston, TX 77005; Tel: 713-807-9592; Email:

Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic: 

They have been providing acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment from 1988 in Houston. Their practitioners have over 29 years clinical experiences in both the fields. They specialize in healing ailments like infertility, weight loss, fatigue, stop smoking, addiction, drinking cessation, body cleansing, prostate enlargement, pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid disorder, allergy, stress, depression, anxiety, cancer supportive treatment, acne, face lift, hepatitis A, B, C, etc. You can contact them at 2405 South Shepherd Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, Texas 77019. Tel: 713-529-8332 OR at 2431 West Holcombe Kirby (between Kirby and Greenbriar), Houston, Texas 77030. Tel: 713-666-5667

Yin Yang Wellness:

They are licensed acupuncturist with a lot of experience in this field. They treat various symptoms and ailments with the help of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines. You can contact them at phone: 281-558-8989; Fax: 281-558-8980; 765 Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079.

Acupuncture-The use of acupuncture treatment is not limited to one disease

Apart from medicinal treatments, there are many alternative treatments for a particular disease. Acupuncture is one such alternative for curing or relieving pain in particular disease. The origin of acupuncture dates back to china. Acupuncture is also called as Chinese method of pain relief. The treatment of acupuncture involves use of needles in pain relief process. The needles are inserted to your, points of body, which are cause of pain. But with the change of time, even the process of acupuncture has changed. Now, for the purpose of providing relief, the needles are heated, or twirled or stimulated with electric current.

But there is a slight difference in practicing acupuncture according to western style as compared to Chinese style. The Chinese style of acupuncture involved the use of opposing forces. And Chinese acupuncture called them yin and yang. In this case, the yang force is active in nature and yin force is passive in nature. The western style of acupuncture has another way of healing. In western acupuncture, the opioids are released into the central nervous system of the human body, which overall reduces the pain of the body. Apart from these the ways of treatment through acupuncture, there is another method. That method suggests that acupuncture helps in increasing the blood flow around the area which has to be treated through acupuncture. The use of acupuncture treatment is not limited to one disease. According to the latest reports, acupuncture helps in treatment of various dreaded diseases like aids and asthma. Other diseases which, can be cured to an extend through the use of acupuncture are kidney problems, depression, colds, headache, high blood pressure, stress, strokes, dental problems and eye problems.Nowadays acupuncture treatment is also used to relieve the symptoms of pain and depression in persons dealing with drug addiction.

Talking about the treatment of acupuncture, the acupuncturist detects the problem areas of the whole body. When the problem areas of the body are identified, then with the help of needles, the flow of energy is restored in that particular area of the body. However, the number of times the treatment of acupuncture is to be performed totally depends on the seriousness of that particular disease. Sometimes, the pain is relieved in single treatment, and sometimes, it requires multiple sessions. In case of an initial treatment of acupuncture, not more than forty points are selected. But that again depends on the nature of the particular disease.

Acupuncture is the safest yet the most effective way of alternative treatment for diseases. The reason for acupuncture being, so popular is, it is the most natural and holistic way for treating any disease. With the modern day innovation in medical field and use of modern medical treatments, side effects are bound to happen. So people prefer acupuncture as more accepted way of curing the ailments. But there are many numbers of people who shy, away from using acupuncture, simply because of use of needles involved in it. As a result, acupuncture treatment is one of the fast growing natural ways of pain relief.

Acid reflux diet-Firstly it is extremely necessary to avoid those foods

It may sound cliched, but a healthy body is an outcome of a healthy diet. A healthy diet is essential, so that our body can digest it in a proper manner. Failing to digest some nutrients, many a times stomach acids get away into gullet, which result in acid reflex disease or at times a heart burn. A common cause of an acid reflex disease can be, in many cases the valve between the gullet and stomach is too weak- so the problem in digestion. But nowadays, there are special acid reflex diets, which can prevent from heart burn or acid reflex disease. Many people don?t have proper knowledge of the acid reflex diets, which exaggerates the condition even more. Firstly it is extremely necessary to avoid those foods, which are responsible in increasing the stomach acids.

While talking of foods which increase the stomach acids, the top priority foods are citrus fruits, which include tangerine, orange, lemon, grapes and sometimes pineapple. Likewise in vegetables tomato and cucumber should be avoided. But the most adverse affect of food diet which causes acid reflex is fried food, so that should be completely eluded. One more effective method of prevention of the acid reflex disease is taking juice which combines fennel seeds, ginger and turmeric. Along with the foods that cause acid reflex or heart burn, there are also drinks which cause this, the highest priority being alcohol, which again includes white wine, which should be completely avoided. Apart from this, caffeinated drinks also cause heart burn.

Only avoiding fruits and vegetables for acid reflex diet won?t help, it is very important to change your lifestyle along with the diet. To start with, it is necessary that you consume smaller portions of meals in every three hours rather than having huge meals. Along with this, it?s essential that you eat your night meal way ahead before going to bed, so that your food gets proper time for getting digested. The acid reflex diet includes many foods which should be taken in order to avoid the heart burn, which are in a natural form, includes aloe Vera juice and peppermint tea. Aloe Vera juice and peppermint tea have natural properties of cooling, which helps in digestion of foods, when there is an increase in stomach acids causing heart burn. Similarly if we consume fruits such as apple and banana and vegetables such as broccoli and carrots, they too have cooling properties which help and prevent a heart burn or acid reflex disease. Other than this the best drink or the best beverage in an acid reflex diet is water. Water has extreme properties of flushing away the toxins and acids of the body, keeping the digestive system clean, preventing from a heart burn or an acid reflex disease. Therefore it is extremely important to maintain a good acid reflex diet, by eluding foods which have extreme properties of stimulating acids, and maintaining a proper lifestyle which cause acid reflex, by keeping these two considerations in mind a person can easily avoid a heart burn or acid reflex, thereby making him fit and robust.

Abs diet-The ABS Diet Workout

If we talk of health what is it? The answer will be: It is a state of complete physical, mental & social well being. Now if we talk of Physical health one picture suddenly immerges in our mind that is one?s Body measurements, weight & Abdomens (ABS). Almost all of us are aspiring for a good & sound health & above all a well toned, Fit, Sexier & adequately measurable kind of body.

For achieving this goal from years, we have been trying DIETING- A fruitless effort which has proved to nothing but simply starvation & torture towards our body with zero results. This happens because too many restrictions lead us to rebel one day & we are found serving ourselves with best favorites. What ever we do either exercise or dieting we do nothing to increase our metabolism rate which is a long lasting fat burner.


ABS Diet is a combination of the following:-

Right eating + Exercise Plan= ABS Diet

This eating plan stretches your hand for serving yourself with Protein, Fiber, Calcium, and Nutrients & Raw materials. Exercise Plan focuses on building Lean Muscles & burning fat & leaving you with your DREAM BODY. ABS Diet is a 6-pack diet which aims at having six meals a day (that includes 3 Meals +3 Snacks) thus no more of starving. This plan combines the right diet & right exercise which builds lean muscles & eradicates fat efficiently.

This Plan offers 6 Principles & 12 power foods that, unloads our dieting power & referred to as ABS Diet power 12.Our six meals must include food from the power 12 list mentioned below. Each meal is a, combination of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, nutrients etc.

1. A:-Almonds and Other Nuts

Eat them with skins intact.

Superpowers: Building muscle, fighting food cravings

Fight against: Obesity, heart disease, muscle loss, cancer

2. B: - Beans and Other Legumes

Superpowers Building muscle, helping burn fat, regulating digestion

Fight against Obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure

3. S:-Spinach and Other Green Vegetables
Neutralizes free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process)

Fights against: Cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis

4. D: - Dairy Products

Fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.

Building strong bones, firing up weight loss

Fight against Osteoporosis, obesity, high blood pressure, cancer

5. I: - Instant Oatmeal

Unsweetened, unflavored.

Boosting energy and sex drive, reducing cholesterol, maintaining blood-sugar levels

Fights against Heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, obesity

6. E: - Eggs

Building muscle, burning fat

Fight against Obesity

7. T: - Turkey and Other Lean Meats

Lean steak, chicken, fish.

Building muscle, improving the immune system

Fight against Obesity, mood disorders, memory loss, heart disease

8. P: - Peanut Butter

All-natural, sugar-free.

Boosting testosterone, building muscle, burning fat

Fights against Obesity, muscle loss, wrinkles, cardiovascular disease

9. O: - Olive Oil

Lowering cholesterol, boosting the immune system

Fights against Obesity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure

10. W: - Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals

Superpowers preventing your body from storing fat

Fight against Obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease

11. E: - Extra-Protein (Whey) Powder

Superpowers Building muscle, burning fat

Fights against Obesity

12. R:-Raspberries and Other Berries

Protecting your heart, enhancing eyesight, improving memory, preventing cravings

Fights against Heart disease, cancer, obesity

Refer to site

The ABS Diet Workout

Till today each one of us might have worked a lot on our Abs, Back, Chest, legs& buts & are not unaware. Of crunches, Sit-ups, Leg curls, Squads etc but we lack proper combination of diet & workout. This Workout plan acts on our bulgy area effectively if followed strictly & correctly.

Directions: Do the workout three times per week. Complete one set of each abs exercise, then complete the rest of the circuit twice. On other days, do light cardiovascular exercise such as walking. For each exercise involving weights, find a weight you're comfortable with not too easy, but not one that tortures your body either.

About prostate cancer-Symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system. It produces fluid for semen, which transports sperm during the male orgasm. Normally, the prostate is quite small it is nearly the same size and shape as a walnut. It is located in front of the rectum, just below the bladder, and wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis. The prostate is made up of approximately 30% muscular tissue ; the rest is glandular tissue.

Prostate cancer is malignant tumour that begins growing in the prostate gland. It can spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones, or other organs. This spread is called metastasis. A male hormone called testosterone can stimulate the growth of hormone-dependent prostate cancer cells.

While researchers still do not know exactly what causes prostate cancer, they have identified some risk factors.

Age. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases as you age. More than 70% of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over age 65.

Family History. Men whose father and/or brother had prostate cancer are up to 11 times more likely to develop prostate cancer.

Ethnicity. The death rate for prostate cancer is nearly 2. 4 times higher in African-American men than in Caucasian men. (Because of this additional risk, earlier screening for prostate cancer is recommended for African-American men. )

Diet: Research suggests that prostate health may be affected by diet.

Obesity: Studies have shown that the death rate from prostate cancer increases in obese men.

Symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer, include the following

1) A need to urinate frequently, especially at night;

2) Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;

3)Weak or interrupted flow of urine;

4)Painful or burning urination;

5)Difficulty in having an erection;

6)Painful ejaculation;

7)Blood in urine or semen; or

8)Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

Because these symptoms can also indicate the presence of other diseases or disorders, men who experience any of these symptoms will undergo a thorough work-up to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Determining whether you have prostate cancer generally involves a series of steps. Your physician will first ask you questions about your medical history and any symptoms you may be having. Next, your physician will most likely perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the size and texture of your prostate. A prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, used in addition to DRE, increases the likelihood of cancer detection if present. A PSA test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen, a substance produced by the prostate cells, in the blood. A high level of PSA in the blood can be a warning sign that prostate cancer may be present. Finally, the results of either or both tests (DRE and PSA) may suggest the need for a biopsy. Only a biopsy can definitively confirm the presence of prostate cancer.

In case you have possibility of prostate cancer then your doctor may refer you to a urologist, a doctor who specializes in disorders of the urinary system and the male reproductive system. In some cases, a patient may be referred to an oncologist, a specialist in the treatment of cancer, for additional consultation.

Even if you have a problem of prostate cancer you need not worry as following line of treatment is available for the same.

Active Surveillance

Prostatectomy ( Surgery)

Other surgical procedures

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy for advanced or recurrent prostate cancer

Hormone therapy


Other treatment options

To know in details about the above therapy ?s

As we don?t know the exact cause of prostate cancer, it is not possible to prevent most cases of the disease. But some cases might be prevented. One risk factor that can be changed is diet. You may be able to lower your risk of prostate cancer by eating less red meat and fat and eating more vegetables, fruits, and grains. Eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. These guidelines provide an overall healthful approach to eating that may help lower your risk for some other types of cancer, as well as other diseases. Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and watermelon are rich in substances (lycopenes) that help prevent damage to DNA and may help lower prostate cancer risk.

Some studies suggest that taking vitamin E daily may lower the risk of prostate cancer. But others have found that vitamin E has no impact on cancer risk and might raise the risk for some kinds of heart disease. Selenium, a mineral, may also lower risk. A large study is going on now to see if vitamin E or selenium lowers prostate cancer risk.

On the other hand, vitamin A supplements may actually increase prostate cancer risk. It?s always a good idea to check with your doctor about taking vitamins or supplements.

A study of the drug finasteride found that men taking the drug were 25% less likely to get prostate cancer than men taking a placebo ( ?sugar pill?). But the men taking the drug who did get prostate cancer were more likely to have cancers that looked like they might grow and spread. Also, the men taking the drug were more likely to have side effects such as lower sex drive and trouble getting an erection. On the other hand, they had fewer urinary problems. At this time it?s not clear whether taking finasteride to lower the risk of prostate cancer is a good idea or not. The results of the study will become clearer over the next few years.

One might wonder as to what are the chances of survival after detection of prostate cancer, to relieve you here is a stastical record.

Overall, 99% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive at least five years. Further, 92% survive at least 10 years, and 61% survive at least 15 years.

Ninety percent of all prostate cancers are found while they are still within the prostate or only in nearby areas. The five-year relative survival rate for these men is nearly 100%.

For the men whose cancer has already spread to distant parts of the body when it is found, 34% will survive at least five years.

These numbers provide an overall picture, but keep in mind that every man\'s situation is unique and the statistics can\'t predict exactly what will happen in your case.

After your treatment is over, it is very important to keep all follow-up appointments. During these visits, your doctors will ask about symptoms, do physical exams, and order blood tests or imaging studies such as CT scans or x-rays. Follow-up is needed to check for cancer recurrence or spread, as well as possible side effects of certain treatments. This is the time for you to ask your health care team any questions you need answered and to discuss any concerns you might have.

Almost any cancer treatment can have side effects. Some may last for a few weeks to several months, but others can be permanent. Don?t hesitate to tell your cancer care team about any symptoms or side effects that bother you so they can help you manage them.

It is also important to keep medical insurance. Even though no one wants to think of their cancer coming back, it is always a possibility. If it happens, the last thing you want is to have to worry about paying for treatment.

Prostate cancer can recur many years after initial treatment, which is why it is important to keep regular doctor visits and report any new symptoms (such as bone pain or problems with urination). Should your prostate cancer come back, your treatment options will depend on where it is thought to be located and what types of treatment you've already had.

It is likely to be the most difficult time in your battle with cancer -- when you have tried everything medically within reason and it ?s just not working anymore. Although your doctor may offer you new treatment, you need to consider that at some point, continuing treatment is not likely to improve your health or change your prognosis or survival.

No matter what you decide to do, it is important that you be as comfortable as possible. Make sure you are asking for and getting treatment for any symptoms you might have, such as pain.

At some point, you may benefit from hospice care. Most of the time, this can be given at home. Your cancer may be causing symptoms or problems that need attention, and hospice focuses on your comfort.

Remember also that maintaining hope is important. Your hope for a cure may not be as bright, but there is still hope for good times with family and friends -- times that are filled with happiness and meaning. In a way, pausing at this time in your cancer treatment is an opportunity to refocus on the most important things in your life. This is the time to do some things you?ve always wanted to do and to stop doing the things you no longer want to do.